When you think of copper, do you see smooth and shiny? Have you noticed all the different, eye catching texture that’s possible with this age old material?
Texture adds a mystery to copper and Mike creates some unique surfaces in the copper shop. Transformation after transformation is applied until the copper comes out looking as if it’s part of nature. Some of these details resemble leather or stone.
Skilled hands produce these alterations and that means patience and resourcefulness. It means taking the time to get it just right, and the ingenuity to see something different when it DOESN’T go just right. That’s the artist’s “mind’s eye“. Texture is the mystery that draws you into the artwork. Color holds you there. (We wrote about the inspirations for color in our work HERE.) And sometimes that quality can actually fool the viewer into seeing something different.
Texture Misbehaves
When you purchase a piece from Mike, your copper light, with its dark patina, may look like steel. Your range hood might be mistaken for carefully stitched leather. And your entry table may look to be carved from stone.
Texture Reveals
Texture showcases copper’s versatility. The craftsman’s creativity highlights the texture, and because of the skill with which he works the metal, the mystery is revealed. The copper becomes a lasting and beautiful work of art.
Do you still think of copper as a smooth, shiny metal? That’s a very beautiful and classic look, but we hope we’ve given you a few more ideas to make your personal design statement. You’ll find what you’re looking for with a piece of copper inspired by nature and carefully crafted by Mike Dumas Copper Designs.
Please take a minute to browse through our shop and ponder the possibilities.

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