Copper Panels; Hand Worked and Finished

Copper Panels in Progress

Mike is making copper panels for a home in Wyoming. His copper is well travelled. . . sometimes more than we are!!

Leather Textured Copper

This set will be used in some cabinet and appliance fronts there. The texture and patina are all created by hand and the care he puts into his work comes through strong.

Copper Panels for Cabinets and Appliances

These panels are finished with his leather texture and patina. Looks and feels like real cowhide with all the great folds and creases. This texture is so beautiful in a rustic setting but, fits well with contemporary, organic finishes too.


Mike Working Copper

Protecting his hearing is a must with all the hammering involved in the copper work. At the end of the day, he is ready to put his feet up on our copper coffee table, open a cold beer, and turn the basketball game up full blast to relax!!


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